Statement of Faith
We believe in one God and Father who is the maker and ruler of all things; in Jesus Christ, His Son, who is God manifest in flesh and Savior of the world; and in the Holy Spirit, God present with us, who renews our hearts and guides, comforts and empowers us for proclamation and ministry.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead for our justification; in the forgiveness of sins through Christ’s atoning sacrifice for all mankind; in salvation by faith in Christ alone; in the Bible, God’s inspired Word which is the only infallible rule of both faith and practice; in the Church, the body of Christ, which is a worshiping community, and is God’s instrument to minister to the needs of its members, to make disciples of all the nations, to work for social justice, and to relieve human suffering.
We believe in the bodily return of Jesus Christ who will raise the dead, judge all people according to deeds done in the body, and establish His glorious kingdom.

NLAI was founded as New Life League Inc. in 1954 by Drs. Fred and Clara Jarvis. They were soul winners who were passionate about reaching the lost. Their ministry began in China in 1946. After a communist takeover, the couple was forced to leave China, and they moved to Japan, where they worked for 24 years.
The Jarvises were innovative leaders who, over the course of their lives, oversaw the establishment of a number of new ministries in Asia, Latin America, Haiti and Papua New Guinea.
NLAI's current missionaries embrace the pioneering spirit and passion for the things of God that the Jarvises modeled. Following their example, NLAI missionaries are committed to proclaiming Christ among the nations — wherever He leads them to go.
The History of NLAI
After serving three years in China and five more in Japan, Drs. Fred and Clara Jarvis establish New Life League which later becomes New Life Advance International. The ministry begins in Japan where the Jarvis’s continue to live. The “New Life Hour” is broadcast throughout the Far East and the New Life Press begins printing gospel tracts and later Bibles which are smuggled into China.
Work begins in Nepal with five Indian missionaries going there.
The “New Life Hour” radio program is being broadcast on 80 stations.
• The Jarvis’s relocate to San Juan, Texas to the NLL Border Office and site of New Life College.
• NLL deploys three missionary nurses to Colombia to begin work there.
• New two-color press is purchased for $23,000 and delivered to the New Life League compound in Tokyo.
• Orphanages established in Nepal and India.
• Bob and Jane Miller and Ed and Joan Zammit join the NLL team in San Juan, Texas.
• NLL begins an orphanage in Reynosa, Mexico.
On February 4, a 7.1 earthquake rocks Guatemala leading NLL to begin an orphanage there. In April, the first phase of evangelistic crusades is held in a 60,000-seat soccer stadium. By the time the crusades end, over 100 preachers from the US participated and thousands had the opportunity to hear the Gospel.
• Gary and Jackie Leath open NLL work in Costa Rica.
• George Livingston becomes the third president of NLL.
NLL establishes a work in South Africa.
NLAI establishes ministry in Turkey.
The name for New Life League becomes New Life Advance International.
• Dr. Jarvis begins the Japan School of Theology.
• NLL expands to India.
NLL establishes work in Papua New Guinea to reach the unreached tribes.
Two Indian missionaries are deployed to Bhutan which is closed to missionaries.
A milestone was reached as one million Gospels of John were produced for distribution at the World Expo in Osaka. Roald and Inga Lidal arrived from Norway. Roald continues to serve at this date (2024) as Chairman of the Board of New Life Ministries (Press) in Japan.
New Life College opens in India. Later another college and another orphanage are established in India.
• Kent and Linda Ragsdale appointed to pioneer NLL work in Haiti.
•Dr. and Mrs. Bob Carlton appointed to begin NLL work in Brazil.
Arnfinn and Hildur Andaas move from Japan and open a new NLL work in Hong Kong.
• After 38 years of missionary service including 30 with New Life League, Drs. Fred and Clara Jarvis retire from administrative duties but continue to serve NLL.
• Dr. Charles Davis begins his term as the second president of NLL.
• NLL sets up a printing operation in Sri Lanka.
David and Susan Depew expand the work of NLL into Thailand.
NLAI establishes work in Nicaragua, Afghanistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
NLCH dedicates Casa Elisabeth for girls home units..
Henry House is dedicated as the new kitchen, dining hall, and office building at NLCH.
Little Pasos Learning Center is established in Guatemala.
NLCH dedicates Casa Anthony for the boys.
New Life Christian School in Guatemala begins Special Education Program.
New Life Christian School in Guatemala expands to High School.
NLAI Board approves starting ministry in Belize.

Financial Integrity
Annually, the NLAI Board of Directors appoints an independent auditor to conduct a review of the financials per ECFA requirements. The auditor issues a report and also assists with the preparation of the filing of the annual 990 tax return. In addition, the NLAI Staff Manual lays out clear guidelines concerning expectations for the handling of personal and ministry funds by each of its staff personnel. All of these documents are available to be viewed by clicking on the appropriate button above.
The most important core issue in NLAI financial policy is both personal and corporate integrity. We must never forget that our donors give sacrificially to support the respective ministries of NLAI and therefore we owe them a debt of love and gratitude for their partnership with us in the work of the Kingdom. As stewards of God's provision through our donors, members of NLAI have a fearful responsibility to use all funds honestly and to use them for their intended purpose in accordance with the stated preference of our donors. All NLAI personnel are expected to handle both their personal and ministry funds with care and discretion and are expected to live within the financial limits established in their field budgets.
Annual Financial Audit
IRS 990 Tax Return
New Life Advance International is a proud member of both the Christian Alliance for Orphans and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.